Monday, February 18, 2008

Just one of those days

I set my alarm to make sure I woke up in time for my eye appointment today. I planned to leave at 10:30 to get there a little before 11. The appointment wasn't until 11:15, but they asked me to come early to fill out papers. I ended up leaving a little after 10:30 and went to my usual subway station.

As I walked onto the uptown 4 platform, I thought I should take the R train instead because it would take me right to the health center without transferring. I headed through the maze of underground tunnels to get to the R platform where I found a service sign notifying me that the R would not be stopping there today. Arg! I had to walk all the way back to the 4 and wait for the next train.

I still shouldn't be late, I thought to myself because I could transfer to the 6 and get off at Astor, just a few blocks from the health center. But, today was just not my day for the subway because I missed my stop to transfer- a first time for me. My book (The other Boleyn girl) must have been too engaging. I got off at 14th St. and had to walk six blocks down and one over to get to the health center.

I made it just about 11:15, and I started digging through my bag to find my wallet and student ID to show the guard. I must have looked flummoxed because he said, "It's okay. Take your time." After emptying everything out my bag, I found that I had not brought my wallet with me. "I don't have it," I told the guard.
"Where are you going?" he asked me.
"I have an appointment in optometry."
"The health center's closed today for the holiday," he informed me as I stood there looking confused.
"What day is it?" I asked.
"President's Day."
Okay, I actually knew it was President's Day, thank you very much. I was looking for the date here.
"It's the 18th isn't? My appointment is tomorrow," I said as the realization came to me. I told the guard I hoped he had a great day and I would see him tomorrow. I left feeling foolish and defeated. I do know I'll leave earlier tomorrow, I'll check the subway ahead of time for service changes, and I'm glad I wasn't late today. In fact, I was 23hrs. and 45min. early.

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