Monday, August 31, 2009

Before and After Bedrooms

Moving into the house has definitely kept us busy. It's hard to believe it was only nine days ago. I have since painted the banisters and two bedrooms. Today I am working on the living and dining rooms. We don't have any furniture for them yet, but I'm plowing through all painting projects while I can. On Saturday, Michael and I went to Ikea in Cincinnati and got a desk, chair, and a table for behind the loveseat. We're picking up a couch and loveseat for the family room tomorrow evening. I'm so excited! A few photos to show what we've been up to:

Master bedroom (before)
Master bedroom (after)
I don't know what happened with the camera, but the wall is all one color despite what it looks like in the picture.

Bedroom 2 (before)
Bedroom 2/Guest room (after)

Bedroom 3 (before)
Bedroom 3/Office (after)

1 comment:

Ljenks01 said...

you are a painting fanatic but they look great. the color weirdness in your room is the light reflecting off the mirror btw. Love ya!