Monday, September 28, 2009

First Day of Work, J/K

I am finally set up to be a substitute teacher. I officially logged-in to the system this weekend and have since been anxiously, excitedly waiting for phone calls. Since I hadn't heard anything by the time school started this morning, I figured I had the day off. Then, around 8:30am I got a call for a job teaching middle school Spanish for a teacher who traveled from one school in the morning to another in the afternoon. I quickly took down all the notes and accepted the job. After rushing to finish getting ready, I jumped in the car with my scribbled directions and headed out. I decided to call the school and let them know I was on my way. It was a good thing I did because the secretary told me that they had tried to cancel that job because it was already filled. I asked about the afternoon job at the other school, and she didn't know anything about it. I called the second school, and the secretary there didn't even know the teacher. She said there must be some flaw in the system. Goodness! I hope it isn't like this all the time.


Celia said...

That was quick thinking on your part to call ahead--I think I would have just zoomed on over and been all disappointed, lol! Better luck today, though! Up and at 'em!

Ljenks01 said...

subbing is just crazy but I'm so excited for you to be back! and now you get to Mrs. Yuen. Do you think you'll go by Mrs. Y?