Thursday, January 28, 2010

Back to the Grindstone

After winter break, work was slow. Few teachers take days off right after a two week vacation, so I only had a handful of jobs. Things are starting to pick up though, and I'm working four days this week. One of the week's highlights happened on Tuesday at an elementary school. I was supervising indoor recess (due to freezing cold temperatures and icy sidewalks) when a small 2nd grade boy came up and asked me if he could ask me a few questions. When I said he could, he grabbed a stool and took a seat in front of me to proceed. It was quite the funny interview. After finding out that I have colored my hair in the past (both blonde and red), he asked, "Do you have Britney in your name?"
"No," I said.
"Well, do you have Spears in your name?"
"No," I replied holding back laughter.
"Oh, because she has brown hair that she dyed blonde and red one time."
Yup, folks. I have something in common with Britney Spears.

"How old are you?" he asked next.
"29," I confessed.
"Hmmm.... that's one year under my mom. She's 30. But you don't look 29. You look 18."
Ah, I love little kids! Though I can't imagine having my own kid in 1st or 2nd grade already. Yikes!

P.S. Today an 8th grader asked "Who's O.J. Simpson?" (The teacher used him in example of double jeopardy/5th amendment on a quiz)


Rebecca Lang said...

It's amazing to me that there is a generation that doesn't know about O.J. Simpson. That was a huge part of my adolescence.

Also, that sounds like a hilarious conversation. A budding blogger, no doubt.

Ljenks01 said...

Love kids... they do say the darndest things.