Thursday, January 15, 2009

Weather conditions

Today, I am wearing leggings, knee-high socks, regular socks, boots, jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt, and a turtleneck knit sweater. When I go outside, I will add leather gloves, a winter coat, a scarf and a knit winter hat.

Tomorrow afternoon, I will be wearing jeans, a t-shirt and flip-flops. I could wear shorts, but they are packed away for the winter.

Today I am in New York City. It is 20 degrees but feels like 8.

Tomorrow, I will be in Scottsdale, AZ. It will be 75 degrees and feel like 75 degrees.

Do you think it is the meteorologist who mathematically figures out "feels like" using factors like wind speed, pressure and humidity? Or, do you think it is the assistant meteorologist who walks outside and says, "hmm... feels like X"? My money's on the former, but I love the idea of the latter.

1 comment:

MarcB said...

its nice here in AZ