Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Darndest Things

I am definitely enjoying my job as a nanny this summer taking care of two boys (5 and 8 years old). They crack me up all the time. Last week, the 8-year-old was making a picnic for his brother and himself, and I come into the kitchen to find him reheating Rings and Meatballs (Chef Boyardee type thing). The smell is quite strong and the microwave shows 4:47 left to go, so I ask him how long he put it in for. "Oh, just eleven minutes," he answers. WHAT?! Eleven minutes! Oh, no. Needless to say, Rings and Meatballs did not make it onto the picnic menu that day but into the trash with the melted and warped tupperware.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dreams and Cravings

No, I'm not pregnant. Okay, now that that's out of the way. A while back, I was totally stuck on pancakes. I made pancakes almost everyday for two weeks. I would eat them for breakfast, lunch, or snacks. I probably would have had them for dinner if Michael was up for it. I finally got over my pancake craving, but I've moved on to pudding. There was a pack of vanilla pudding at the house where I'm nannying this summer. I ate them all the first week of work, bought a replacement pack for them and ended up eating most of those too. Last night, I decided to make my own so I would stop cleaning out my employer. I was really happy with how it turned out, especially as it was my first time making pudding from scratch. Hopefully this craving doesn't last too much longer. If only I could move on to something like spinach or carrot sticks.

I don't know if it's all the pudding I've been eating, all the fiction I've been reading, or just another exciting night of sleep, but I had a dream the other night that the world was ending because of some crazy bet that Zeus made with Snape (kind of like God and Satan's deal with Job.). I think it was all going to end well though because Spider-man was there rescuing kids and stopping floods. I woke up before I knew for sure, but I would bet that your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man saved the day.