Saturday, April 5, 2008

Luna Bar inspiration

According to my training schedule, I was supposed to run 7 miles today. After the buffet on the boat cruise last night (dessert included), I knew I could use the run to burn off all those extra calories, but I lacked motivation. I woke up late, lounged around in comfy clothes while applying for jobs online, then watched several Friends episodes. All I really wanted was to stay on the bed (we don't have a couch) and watch more. Then I got a craving for something yummy and thought of the Luna bars in my locker at the gym. I knew if I didn't run today I would have to do it tomorrow, and if I did it today I could satisfy my craving. I decided to plot a course online that would take me 7 miles to reach the gym. I could get my Luna bar and take the subway home.

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I went for it. My run took me over the Brooklyn Bridge, across Manhattan to the Hudson River Park (where I hear celebrities frequently run, though I didn't see any), up the park to 14th St., past the meat-packing district, through Union Square, to the gym at 14th and 4th. I only had two incidents along the way: I accidentally knocked a kid down and I got whacked across the chest. The first one was on a sidewalk with scaffolding that reduced the space. I was coming up on a woman walking with her son who seemed to be about three or four. I tried to squeeze by, but at the same time as I came by, the kid kicked his leg up, and I tripped over it, knocking him down. I felt so bad, but he was fine. The mom wasn't upset at all. The second incident was on 17th st. I tried to pass a man on a cell phone just as he made a big gesture swinging his arm out- right into me. He didn't even pause, and I continued on. The city is a busy, crowded place to try to run, but the Hudson park was nice. There's a bike/walk path that stretches for miles along the river, almost like a boardwalk. In the end, I got my Luna bar and successfully completed my longest run yet- more than half the distance of a half-marathon! Good thing I had those Luna bars to inspire me :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go girlie! Maybe I'll park far away and run to a movie theater in your honor.