Friday, February 25, 2011

An Early Spring?

One can only hope. As February comes to an end, I start to look forward to spring again. This is the end of my fourth "real" winter since leaving Arizona and my second winter in Ohio, which means my second winter of asking myself "Am I doing this right?" every time I shovel snow from the driveway and sidewalks. It seems simple enough, and I think I do a pretty good job of it, but no one ever showed me how, so I'm left to wonder things such as "Should I shovel now or wait to see how much more snow will fall? Will this snow melt soon enough that shoveling is unwarranted? Is this the most efficient way to move the snow?" They may seem like silly questions to you, but this desert native feels self-conscious thinking that the neighbors are all peeking out their windows saying to each other "Look at that silly girl! Doesn't she know this snow will melt on its own?" or "What is she doing scooping the snow that way? She should know to do it this way!" But I don't know what "this" way is, so I'll just keep doing it my way.

1 comment:

MarcB said...

Suddenly i find myself in the exact same situation...
So i did homework for both of us...

How to Shovel Snow