Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Year, New Race

I took a good month off from running after finishing the Nationwide Better Health Columbus Marathon last October.  Even in December, I didn't run much since we were gone almost half the month in Spain, but I spent a good portion of January trying to get back to it.

I'll admit the winter weather has made it a challenge. Fortunately, we have a treadmill in the basement, but I find it really difficult to go more than 3ish miles indoors. Come snow, rain, wind, or sun though, I'm going to have get committed again. Michael and I are planning on running the Capital City half marathon in May, and training starts on Tuesday! I figure that the more people I share my plan with, the less likely I am to skip out on it.

While I went with beginner's training for the marathon, I'm going to try an intermediate level training plan for Cap City. Again, I'm using the one provided by Nike+. My goal is to finish in 2'15". My half-marathon split from the marathon was 2'18", so I'll have to pick up the pace a bit, but I'm looking forward to trying.

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