Monday, March 31, 2008

Stalking Alec Baldwin

The amount of filming in New York City seemed to drop off during the winter months, but as we move into spring and with the writer's strike over, they're picking back up again. I came out of the subway at Borough Hall (my home stop) on Saturday night, and there was a truck with equipment parked there on the street. There were also bright lights shining on the City Hall building across the street.
I was with my friend, Sharn, and she wondered if the lights were for filming. I checked the street signs for postings (they always post signs for "no parking" when there will be filming in the area so the trucks can park there), and sure enough there was a bright green sign. The signs usually state the name of the production, and this sign listed NBC's 30 Rock! I got so excited because I love 30 Rock, so I double checked with the equipment guys standing near the truck. They told us that sure enough, 30 Rock was filming on the 3rd floor of the City Hall building, that Matthew Broderick was there yesterday for filming, and that Alec Baldwin was up there at that moment.
Sharn and I decided to go up to our apartments, put on warmer clothes and "stake out" the building to see if we could see Mr. Baldwin himself. I told my roommate our plan, so she decided to join in the fun. The sign posting said the filming was only going on until 11pm, and it was almost 10, so we wouldn't have to stake out the place for long. After bundling up, we headed back out and did a perimeter walk around the building. We saw that the back of the building had a door that people kept coming in and out of, and there was a refreshment tent set up back there.
We figured the best spot was to sit on a half wall in front of the Municipal Building across from the back of City Hall.
We kept ourselves busy just chatting and laughing at ourselves for stalking Alec Baldwin. As we waited, I also talked to Michael on the phone. He reminded me of Baldwin's temper and the incident when he punched a paparazzi for taking his picture. Hmmm... something to think about. Our waiting in the cold paid off when around 10:45 Alec Baldwin walked out of the building.Due to Michael's warning, we attempted to take pictures from our unnoticed spot across the street, which lead to not-so-great pictures, but you can still kind of tell it's him.

He left with three young girls and started walking down the street. We tried to follow nonchalantly, and I considered shouting out, "Mr. Baldwin!" to see if maybe we could get a picture with him, but Michael's warning rang through my head. Instead we just watched as he got in his trailer, and we continued walking down the street as if we weren't just following him. I don't think he even realized we there, but it was fun all the same. The only thing that could have made it better is if Tina Fey were there :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's totally Baldwin!! HEY!! BALDWIN!!!!