Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pink eye

I haven't had pink eye since elementary school, so isn't it fitting that I would get it on my 5th day at my new job. I woke up Wednesday morning with a swollen and goopey eye. I figured it was pink eye because it felt like what I remembered and one of my roommates had it last week. Indeed my eye did look pink in the mirror. I used some of my roommate's eye drops and went to work anyway. I didn't want to look bad by calling out sick so soon, especially since I felt fine. One of my co-workers, however, asked about my glasses since I usually wear contacts. I admitted that I thought I had pink eye, and she backed away like I had the plague and said, "That's highly contagious. I could get it just looking at you!" So she told my boss who told me to go to the doctors and not come back :-) What a way to start your first week!

The doctor gave me a prescription and said I could go to work the next day, which I did and stayed busy with everything that piled up while I was away. I'm looking forward to finishing with the drops so I can start wearing my contacts again. I feel ridiculous in these glasses because I bought them just for before bed and picked out the cheapest pair. The experience has inspired me to really get a move on buying new ones. I've been meaning too for a long time anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Getting stuck wearing glasses that you don't really like is a pain. Hope that you get to start wearing your contacts again soon.