Friday, February 13, 2009

Almost Famous AKA my 2 Seconds of Fame

On Wednesday, we had uncharacteristically beautiful weather for February. Sunny, 60 degrees. My co-workers and I sat outside for lunch, and it seems we were not the only ones. Last year, the intersection of Broadway, 5th Ave. and 23rd Street underwent major renovations to make it a better public space. This worked out great for me since my office in the Flatiron Building is smack in the middle of this intersection. When the weather is nice, tables and chairs are put out for everyone to use, and Wednesday was the first time this winter that they came out. A guy from Streetfilms also came out to film and interview people making use of the space. This is where my 2 seconds of fame comes in. Check it out here. If you don't feel like watching the whole video, skip to 3 minutes in for a brief glimpse of yours truly :-)


Quadfire said...

Your face got 2 seconds of fame but your voice got an additional 4.
can I have you autograph?

Anonymous said...

I saw you! You were all, "I'm a New Yorker, I like weather and watching people and I like New York..." Something like that...