Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Television viewing at an all-time high

According to this article from the Los Angeles Times, the average American now watches over 151 hours of TV a month, about 5 hours a day. Wow! Where do they get the time? Between streaming video online, watching shows on iPods, iPhones and other portable devices, and utilizing DVRs, we really can fit that much television into our lives. I guess the plot devised by Alec Baldwin and the other aliens to turn our brains into mush is working.
I was curious and calculated my own TV watching hours. I figure I average 9 hours a week. I definitely make the most of the DVR as I am in class during my favorite shows, but that also means I get to fast forward through commercials. Neither my iPod nor my phone have video abilities, and with the exception of a funny YouTube video here and there, I don't watch anything at work either. Someone out there must be watching a lot of television to make up for me if we are going to hit that average 35 hours/week.

What I watch every week: How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, Lost, 30 Rock, The Office, Bones, Saturday Night Live.

If you're keeping score: NBC 4, ABC 1, Fox 1, CBS 1, the CW 0


Quadfire said...

Dang that's a lot of TV.
I think I get about 3 hours a week...

Ljenks01 said...

does having gilmore girls constantly running in background count?