Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two worlds collide

Last week, I took a sub job as an Intervention Specialist at a high school. Usually, that would mean that I would sit in on other teachers' classes and provide extra support to a few students who read slowly, have trouble staying on task, are disorganized, etc. due to issues beyond laziness and typical teenage angst. On this particular day though, it turned out I was covering for the lead teacher in a classroom with students who have low incidence disabilities (Down Syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, etc.). And, we were going on a field trip! Fortunately, all the extra support staff (nurses, para-professionals) were very helpful, and the teacher I was there for would only be out for a morning meeting. She was coming back before we left for the trip. They let me stay though and help out.

As it turned out, the field trip was to Petsmart and Target, the very same Target where I started working just a week and a half earlier. The kids looked through store ads before we left and made shopping lists of items to look for when we got there. They spend a lot of time working on life skills in class, and shopping is a life skill. Imagine that! I felt a little strange waving to co-workers and managers, saying "yeah, this is my other job," but I really had a good time with the kids. It turned out to be a good thing they brought me along too because while we were there one of the students got sick and another had an "accident" when he didn't get to the restroom in time. Paramedics were called in for the sick student, and after numerous phone calls and voicemails were left, the mother finally responded and came to pick him up. Those incidents required a number of staff, so I was left with a group of students to wander around Target finding prices for things like Pepsi and mac n' cheese. Eventually, we made it back to school safe and sound, but it will probably remain the most interesting day of my subbing career.

1 comment:

Krista said...

This makes me miss my old job! What an adventurous day!