Monday, October 27, 2008

work buddy AKA D-man AKA Ross AKA Papa Bear

so, it is thanks to Dustin that I have a job. He was hired at Macmillan in June. When he heard there was another opening, he offered to give them my résumé. Voilà! I now sit this close to him (see above) Monday-Friday from 9-5. Did I mention we also live in the same house and are both in the NYU Publishing program? Fortunately, we only have one class together this semester, which provides him some respite from my exuberance.

On a side note, election day is just eight days away, and I hope you are all voting. I actually registered in New York, and though I don't think my vote counts as much here or in Arizona as it would if I lived in Ohio or Virginia or some other close call state, I'm still excited to take part in another historical election :-) BTW, if McCain doesn't win, and Sarah Palin decides to make a major career switch, there are several producers ready to make her an offer. Just imagine: The Sarah Palin Show or The Palins. Oh my!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*gasp* A male roomie? Scandelous!