Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's Official or Wedding Invitations and Babies

I mailed our wedding invitations last week and also told my boss that Michael got a job at Nationwide Insurance, so we're moving to Ohio. That makes everything feel very official. Of course, the wedding planning has been in the works for a long time now, and Michael was offered the job earlier this year, but now that people are invited and my boss knows I'm leaving, it makes everything feel so much more real. May is going to be a crazy month for me. I'm going to rent a car and drive from NYC to Columbus, drop my stuff off at our new apartment and continue to Bloomington for Michael's graduation on May 8th. Then, we're both headed up to Chicago for my brother's undergrad graduation on the 11th from Wheaton College. Back to Bloomington to get Mike's stuff, drive it to Columbus, drop it off and turn around and drive across the country to Phoenix to get ready for the wedding on the 23rd. Our honeymoon will be in Hawaii from the 24th-29th. Then, we'll drive back to Columbus from Phoenix. I hope the Previa is up for the job.

On a side note, a crazy high number of people I know are having babies. My boss is having twins, and they're due on the same day as the wedding, though she's not on the guest list. My roommate's sister is due on May 21st (the roommate is invited but not the sister). On the guest list, however, are four pregnant women- due May 14, May 25, early June, and late July. I hope it's not contagious :-) I'm not ready just yet!

This sparked my curiousity, and I discovered that August is actually the most popular birth month according to the U.S. Census, with 387,798 taking place that month in 2006.
Source: National Center for Health Statistics <>

Also, I am in love with the census website. There is fascinating information there! For example: Facts for Features: Mother's Day


MarcB said...

where in OH

Anonymous said...

From the perspective of someone who lives in Phx, August would be a horrible month to have a baby.

Oh and the whole pregnancy thing seems to come in waves, so I think you're safe for now. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay for weddings! Boo for all of that driving. Yay for Hawaii! We went there on our honeymoon and had an excellent time. We didn't have any money, but it was still the best vacay ever!