Monday, March 23, 2009

Stealing coworkers

Last week someone took my Coke Zero out of the fridge at work. I was a little peeved, but I realized that leftover sodas from meetings often get put in there (though Coke Zero is never one of the sodas provided). So, I started putting my name on my drinks. No biggie.

What I can't for the life of me figure out is who is taking the drinks from UNDER MY DESK!! I bought a case to keep at the office, and I put it under my desk at my cubicle. It's easier to just grab one from there each morning to put in the fridge, but I know there were three in there when I left last week, and today there was only ONE left!! Hello? Do people think I'm not going to notice? I'm pretty sure it's the woman who cleans our floor, as I know everyone who works close enough to me to come by and see that I have the soda. Either that, or it is some mysterious elf or leprechaun. It remains a mystery, but I will have to find a new safe spot for the future.


Anonymous said...

I thought you meant you were stealing coworkers...and maybe you should put a nanny cam under there and catch those sticky fingers.

:)Wendy said...

I think you should set a mousetrap inside the carton. When the individual reaches in....OUCH! Or maybe there is some other high tech staining devise to color the perpetrators fingers or set up a webcam.