Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Old Fashioned Way

I love getting mail, at least the kind of mail that isn't junk or a bill. Who doesn't, right? So, when a personally addressed envelope arrived yesterday from my grandma, I was quite excited. It's not even my birthday or anything! I opened it up, and inside was a newspaper clipping. It was an article from her local newspaper about redecorating in stages. I have to admit, I laughed out loud, not because I didn't appreciate the article or the thought behind it but because of how old school it is to send a person a newspaper article in the mail. I love my grandma, a woman who doesn't know what YouTube is. I am part of the generation that is killing print newspapers. I get all my news online, and if I want to share an article with someone, I email the hyperlink or post it to my blog or Tweet about it or post it on Facebook. I love that there are still people, like my grandma, who take the time to cut an article out with scissors, put it in an envelope, address and stamp it, and send it to a loved one. Hopefully, for her generation's sake, the print newspaper industry lasts a while longer.


Ljenks01 said...

Amen sister!

Jessica Brown said...

just stumbled across your blog - how fun. i like it.

also, lora and i were talking yesterday about how all 3 of us should do lunch sometime. are you interested?

Melissa said...

This made me laugh. My grandma felt it was necessary to send me a flyer in the mail so I could get the website and e-mail address for some missionaries from her church in Southern Africa (she sent it before we moved to Africa, of course...that would be pretty extreme to mail it all the way here). Love Grandmas.