Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wii fun

Though guitar skills are not actually required to play Guitar Hero, some type of skills I can't quite identify and do not possess are required, which means I suck. On an easy level, I might hit half the notes, but I frequently find myself booed off-stage. Nevertheless, I had a blast playing with Leah, Katie & Krista. We followed Guitar Hero with WarioWare Smooth Moves and hanging out at Xtreme Bean- a night full of fun!

Discussing a friend's life issues today, I asked her if she had ever read The Alchemist. I waited a long time for a book that I could say changed my life, and I finally found it. The Alchemist, which I read about two years ago, is the reason I'm working on my master's degree and living in New York. My advice to my friend, and to anyone else looking for something different for their life, is to read this book and sell your sheep. Having faith in God as provider helps too :-)

Today's fun quotes:
"Where's my shoo stick?" - Katie Stall
"Something demonic is about to happen." - Krista Hetsler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guitar hero is fun. And, it doesn't take a whole lot of brain power, so that makes it even better.